I thought maybe I could get some help with this. Started dating this girl 3 years ago. I was 19 and going to college partime/working. She was 17 and in her last year of high school. We both had serious mental problems at the time, mainly depression. Neither of us acknowledged our own or the other persons problem. We dated from november untill august, when she went away to college. The 9 or so months that we we're together we're.. rough. We fought all the time, we purposely annoyed each other, tryed to make the other feel bad. We also fell in love. Not your normal 'i love you', we we're the 'i love you to the depths of infinity' type. Well she left for school and after a couple days of calling me constantly she started to disappear. After a week of avoiding me, I ask her whats up and, well to make a long story short she turned into a raging alcoholic who didn't go to a single class and fucks every guy in the dorm. After about a month of that she locked herself in her dorm room for the 3 months left in the semester. We talked on the phone occasionally, but we missed each other terribly. She had just started counceling and anti-depressant meds when she came home for Xmas break. With the coming of the drugs there seemed to be new hope, and those few weeks of Xmas we're like old times. But as soon as she went back to school it went exactly as last time. Except after about 2 weeks of it I told her what I thought about what she was doing. As you can imagine I was pissed and well, you can imagine the things I said to her. This lead to the inevitable suicide attempt by her. After that communication was minimal (a phone call every couple months) She was able to stay at school though. The Zoloft was kicking in by now and she started to go to A.A. meetings. She got an apartment with another A.A. member, and got a job. It's been about a year and a half since then. I have dated but have not had a relationship, probably because of her. She on the other hand is completely dependant on whoever the guy of the moment is. She is living with one now, she says she loves him but its very clear to the both of us that we we're the real deal. I know I will never look at someone the way I did her. She has trouble talking to me on the phone because she feels like she's cheating on her boyfriend (telling me she misses me and that she loves me). I have no idea what to do or where to go with this. She's always been a big love enthusiast but the other night we we're talking and she says to me "some things love can't overcome
" So, if there is anyone out there with an opinion about what to do, fire away.