Perhaps I simply do not understand how the BCS works but - I do not understand how everyone keeps penciling Texas into the picture. The way I understand this thing is that #1 plays #2 in the Sugar Bowl this year. The conference champion from the major conferences is guaranteed one of the remaining major bowl games. Texas is part of the Big 12 South which OU is outright champion of. OU is going to end up playing one of the teams from the Big 12 North - at this point probably the K-State pussycats. OU will beat K-State as badly as they have everyone else - Now! How does Texas weasel back into the mix - Looks like K-State is next big in the Big 8 + Texas. Am I missing something here?
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!