Originally posted by wilbjammin
I used to be so terrible in social situations... and in some situations I don't thrive at all (I can't handle loud parties, being around drunks, etc). But, the key for me has been to not worry what others think of me. That sounds weird, because, deep down I do care... but I know that if I think about it while I'm in a social situation I'll end up totally frozen. I just let out whatever I think is important, and then question it later. Usually this works out fine, because it is refreshing to most people when you don't say what you think others want to hear and you are just yourself. One thing I've noticed is that <b>deep down everyone is weird</b>. Some people try really hard to fit in, but deep down everyone is quirky... so don't worry about it. Be quirky, be honest, and don't be embarassed about anything about yourself. There are plenty of people just like you (in reference to anything about yourself that you worry about).
wow excelent advice! Thanks to all of you heh