Originally posted by Oopsfix
Meh, nah, if she's interested in me she can talk to me
dude, you're not gonna be served with a silver spoon all your life. this is probably one of those incidents in your life where it obviously ISN'T going to happen.. if you want to know why she's always lookin at you, go find out? i mean... how hard can talkin to some girl be?
I dont like her enough to talk to her
obviously, you DO like her enough to bring this up on this board. just grow some balls and approach her... she's not gonna shoot u or anything

and plus, how do you expect to get a job with that kinda attitdude about life? if they're interested in you they'll call u... naw bro....aside from a few lucky ppl, our society doens't really work that way... u just gotta suck it up and go for it. it's not like you have to marry her after u talk to her!