I feel your pain. You're kicking yourself in the head for doing it but it's for the best.
I was flirting with a girl at work and asked her to go to Vegas. Turned out she wasn't old enough to gamle quite yet. We did go out once and talked alot, about everything. Turns out she had had a very tough childhood. She was the classic "daddy left me, I need to manipulate men, I date scumbags" type. She had been a stripper briefly. She was dating a Meth dealer.
I helped her realize why she was doing what she was doing and told her to find a nice guy closer to her own age. (She was being born about the same time I was graduating highschool.) Then, I promptly forgot what I told her and became a bit obcessed with her. Took me a while to get over it but she found a nice guy and is engaged, (which I think was too quick.) I found a school for her in the field she was interested in.
She's happy. She's doing very well. She's staying out of trouble. I don't see her every day anymore. I don't talk to her as much. She has -not- invited me to parties. You know, "you can't come, myboyfriend will be there." So, there's still a little somthing there.
I hate myself for giving her up before anything could have started but I feel good about her outcome.
People Are Stupid. People can be made to believe any lie, either
because they want it to be true or because they fear that it is.