It's propaganda, similar to the party line put out by Baghdad Bob as tanks rolled into his fair city. "There are no Americans, millions will die at the hand of Allah, there is no spoon, etc." Terrorists spout this stuff constantly.
The source is also highly suspect. See the following partial excerpt.
Link to entire article
MEMRI Gains a Foothold
By Delinda C. Hanley, 11/14/03
Still another shocking development, first reported by, is causing consternation in Iraq. Israel opened a "center for Middle Eastern studies" in a heavily guarded building on Baghdad's Abu Nawaas Street. The center is affiliated with the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). Some of MEMRI's cofounders have worked in Israeli military intelligence.
MEMRI translates inflammatory newspaper articles it finds in the Arab press into Hebrew, English, German, French and Italian and circulates them to subscribers. According to Brian Whitaker in his Guardian article "Selective MEMRI" (reprinted in the Nov. 2002 Washington Report, p. 22), "The stories selected by MEMRI for translation follow a familiar pattern: either they reflect badly on the character of Arabs or they in some way further the political agenda of Israel."