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Old 11-14-2003, 03:45 PM   #23 (permalink)
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If you're basing bias on the ratio of conservative to liberal anchors, then CNN is conservative because they have no big-name liberal anchors to balance Zahn and Dobbs. Left or right, I consider their credibility to have been permanently damaged due to revelations that they covered up atrocities committed by Saddam's regime in order to get better press coverage.

My reasoning for the conservative label for Fox:

Hannity & Colmes: From what I've seen, Hanity (a conservative) is given a lot more time to voice his opinionthan Colmes (slight-left modrate who seems liberal due to the overwhelmingly conservative views of his co-host.) The producers obviously let the hosts run the show (not necessarily a bad thing) and Hannity is able to pretty much take over and bash any liberal who comes on the air, and praise conservative guests for their valuable opinions. Alan Colmes, although he may look like a Martian (I'd love to see the article that said that ) has far less time to voice his opinion or to question or praise the guests on the show. Hannity also gets live coverage of his radio show on Fox, a move that liberal producers wouldn't make.

O'Reilly: Although he claims to be fair, he allows conservative guest to say anything short of the utterly ridiculous without any proof. When liberal guests come close to making a successful argument against his, he cuts them off, sometimes sinking to the level of yelling at them to shut up.

Brit Hume: - this article has covered all of the major points that I would have made, so I don't feel that I need to restate them. I'd just like to point out that his show as originally a daily hour dedicated to updates on the Clinton Scandal.

Tony Snow: Frequent guest-host on Rush Limbaugh's show, wrote an endorsement for Bob Dole for the RNC's magazine "Rising Tide." Trent Lott (undoubtedly a conservative,) who spoke after Snow filled in for an absent speaker at a meeting of the Republican Youth Caucus, began his speech with a shout, "How about Tony Snow in 2008?"

On news segments that show letters from viewers in response to Hard News, letters from conservatives outnumber those from liberals and moderates. This shows that either Fox's producers are trying to get the Conservatve voice heard, or that the very few liberals who watch Fox News have to write angry, disorganized, unintelligent letters. This would indicate that Fox News either favors or is favored by conservatives, the cause of which is their conservative bias.

I would not mind if Fox admitted to being conservative-slanted, or if they made no comment, but they feel that they need to label themselves "Fair and Balanced," as if we wouldn't think so if they didn't cram that "fact" down our throats after every commercial.
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