Originally posted by Oopsfix
It's in class though and I dont wanna look like a jackass if i get rejected in front of everyone cause that would ruin any contact with any of my class mates and she might tell her friends what a loser i am and then im screwed til i graduate.
As cliche as it is, the worst thing you can do in this situation is
nothing. And no, walking right up to her and saying "Hey, do you want to go out to dinner and a movie some time?" is
not recommended. Do, as the previous posters suggested, walk up to her and make small-talk, either from "hey, can I look over your notes?" to "Hey, you seem like a smart girl (if she makes comments in class, that is), would you liike to study together some time?" to anything else you can think of.
The important part is initiating a conversation. Once that happens, it's open season for anything - who knows what will happen?
As for "look like a jackass if you get rejected in front of everyone" -- well, I hardly think that would be the case except if you stood up in front of the lecture hall and publicly asked her out. If you stepped aside with her and talked to her in private, you should have nothing to worry about.
Furthermore, I can't think anyone (other than incredibly immature and stuck up girls) that would have an "oh my GAWD, what a loser, i need to go tell my friends to stay away from him" reaction. And even if she hates your guts, I fail to see why you would be "screwed until graduation". Surely your college has lots of people? You don't have to date someone in one of your classes, or even in your year.