Originally posted by Oopsfix
this girl in one of my college classes keeps turning/looking at me and i have no idea why cause i havnt talked to her once and im not even good looking...My friends and people i know say i'm a weirdo/insane sometimes lol (i have no clue why). Do girls look at guys cause theyre interested in them or can she be wondering what a physchotic weirdo i might be?
personally I think your being paranoid. I wasnt in the "in" crowd in high school and really chose not to be. But the girl I dated the longest in my entire life and still love to this day was one of the "in" crowd that was attracted to me and saw more than that.
If you wonder why she's looking at you then approach her. start a normal conversation and see where it goes. Don't let it freak you out or you may miss out on something you wish you hadn't... just my .02...