If a girl keeps on glancing at a guy, be it overtly or sneaking glances, and she doesn't have a look of horror on her face like "oh god, he's getting closer, I hope he doesn't try to rape me", it stands to reason that she might, just might be interested in getting to know you.
It doesn't mean she instantly wants to jump your bones and have your babies, it just means that she probably wants to get to know you.
My view: you say you don't like her enough to talk to her, so grow a pair of balls, and talk to her. Even if you completely fuck up everything and make an ass of yourself, what do you have to lose? Nothing.
Worst case, she hates you, but you weren't that interested in her (from just looks) anyways, so no loss.
Best case, you get to know her better, fall for her, she falls for you, and everyone walks away a winner.
It pisses me off to see people in situations like this, as I used to be the same, and what it really took was for me to get kicked in the ass by life and go "look, dipshit, if you're not gonna talk to girls, you're never going to break this several year streak for being single."
And so I did talk to girls, and now I've got a girlfriend.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!