I am an incest survivor, and totally get what you are saying. That you have a caring and understanding boyfriend is super, and I am glad for you for that. One thing that may really help is a book called "Breaking Free, a Guide for Adults who Were Sexually Abused as Children" There are wonderful exercises in there to teach you first, how to become comfortable touching yourself sexually, and then him touching you sexually etc, until you can work up to full intercourse, if that's what you want.
Please remember: you *never* did anything wrong, there is no way you could have ever caused anyone to abuse you or not abuse you. You are a smart and wonderful and caring person, and you deserve to be loved and cared for. I would also like to suggest a forum called
http://www.isurvive.org which is for any survivor of any type of abuse. It's a very supportive community of people who can also help you.
Many huggs and special angels for you