I want more sex then she does
Ive been with my girlfriend for a little over 10 months now, and we have been sexually active for about 5 months. Its not that the sex is bad, its not that she isnt open to new things, its just that I have a much larger sex drive then her. I get jealous when I hear my buddies talk about all night sex sessions with their girlfriends. I mean, its not THAT bad, we have sex probably three or four times a week (we dont live together), but I just cant seem to get enough of it.
I can tell she enjoys it, and I dont have a hard time getting her off. I just wish we could do it more often. I have strong feelings for her, and Im not affraid to talk to her about my emotions, I make it clear that I love her (I really do), so all this isnt about "using her" for sex.
Can anyone give me any advice? Is there anything I can do (without going behind her back and slipping her a pill) to possibly up her sex drive? Shes on birth control, and I know this can cause a lower sex drive.
Or am I just a sex addict? Maybe Im the one who should look into doing something about it for myself.
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