Originally posted by motdakasha
Anyways, if this is the only thing she's comfortable with doing for work, and she's got a deadline to meet (before she leaves), then you're suffocating her. If you can't handle the fact that she strips and your friends might find out, then you're not mature enough for her anyway.
Not mature enough for someone who thinks a legitimate career involves taking all her clothes off and shaking her tits so ugly middle aged guys can stick dollar bills in her G-string?
rufgti- She's not going to make the same money right away. But she can get into something that will lead to a real career, unlike stripping. And that's something she can be proud of, again, unlike stripping. I'd rather be poor and have my dignity than get rich by degrading myself, and I'm pretty goddamn greedy. You can also help by getting on your own two feet ASAP and supporting her rather than vice versa.