What motivates you?
Have any of you ever been at a point where you know something's wrong, or you know you need to change your lifestyle but for some reason can't get it done? Have you ever felt so unmotivated that even the simpilest things in life become a serious project?
I'm at a point that I'm not sure if it's just me, being incredibly lazy, or if there's possibly something out of my control at work here. In all honesty I think I have it pretty good, hell I know I have it good especially considering all the alternatives. However, for some reason I'm a huge waste of space and though I recognize the need to change my ways I'm incapable of doing so.
I don't quite understand what's happening, maybe someone can shed some light on the subject. I've reached a point that all the things I used to enjoy doing are no longer of importance to me. I used to play golf, pretty well too, but now it takes an act of God to get me to play. I used to enjoy programming and web design on my computer, but now days I can't find the motivation to work on anything anymore. Simple things like paying the bills or going to the grocery store become nightmares. It's strange, I get this overwhelming feeling of dread or disappointment if I know I have to run to the store. I can't even make myself drive 10 minutes to my parent's house for dinner.
Then there's my job. I really couldn't have it better. My father owns his own company. Just him, myself, and our secretary work i the office together. He makes an extremely good living and eventually I'll take over when he chooses to retire. I work maybe 20 hours a week and really couldn't have it better. But for some reason it takes a 2 ton crane to get me out of bed and go to work for 4 hours. Once I get to work I can't focus on any projects or service issues I need to deal with. It's like I've mastered the art of procrastination so well that I can't climb out of the whole I've dug myself. I usually jump from one project to another, finally finishing them in a couple of weeks. When each one should only take me no more than 30 minutes to an hour.
I'm also finding myself to be very anti-social. My girlfriend has several people she hangs out with from work, but I can never convince myself to go out with them. There may be other factors involved here though. For example I'm not much of a drinker/smoker, but her and everyone she knows is. Also I don't enjoy going to clubs or dancing, and that's typically where they go. But why can't I muster up the courage or motivation to actually go out and enjoy myself?
How do you change, and find the desire or motivation to actually become apart of society. I have this overwhelming sense of worthlessness, and even though I'm aware of what I'm doing, I can't stop. I can't make myself get up on time, and when I do I'm not actually awake until 1 or 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I have no energy, no drive, nothing. I keep getting frustrated at myself because I know I need to change and want to change, but can't force myself to do it. Any suggestions at all? What motivates you?