Originally posted by rufgti
I really care about this girl but if for the rest of my life I have to look behind my shoulder wondering if she will dance again is not something I look forward to.
Wellll... A reality check might be in order about that....
As she well knows (you said so yourself) there's a fairly low age limit when it comes to stripping. It's not a life-long career choice. Show me a stripper older than about 35 and I'll show you a woman who's not making what she used to.
It's also not really fair to say "you could do anything else--like cleaning houses or being a nanny". There's simply no comparison in terms of dollars per hour. Strippers make WAY more than most other workers.
When it comes right down to it, your concern is to take care of her, right? Because you love her. She needs financial security. If you can't provide that to her, you should swallow your pride and let her do the thing that will get that for her.
Hopefully you'll flourish in your new position and the whole issue will go away. And you can keep her at home and feed her bonbons, the way she deseves, right?