In my opinion, what it comes down to is a matter of trust.
If you believe her when she says that stripping for her is only a job, then I see no problem with her doing it. True, she is getting naked in front of other men, so you are understandably uncomfortable with that. However, if she really is doing it only for the money (out of necessity and a feeling of responsibility for her family), then you should be understanding of that fact.
If you don't trust her in that matter, then there are some fundamental relationship issues that need to be worked out.
Point number 2:
If she really IS unhappy with stripping, then why did she go back to doing it? You mentioned that she felt like she couldn't do anything else; that's simply not true, unless for legal reasons she can't get other jobs. Even if she is, for some reason, unable to obtain "ordinary" employment, she can do other things, like cleaning houses or being a nanny.
It sounds to me like she feels trapped by her situation, and she wants help. If you really believe that stripping makes her feel unhappy, then why not help her to get happy? Just make sure you know the absolute truth before you get too involved, or you will end up getting hurt.
You really just need to talk about this. It sounds like you two are pretty happy together, but for one reason or another, the stripping is dragging you both down. You should figure out why that is and try to do something about it. Good luck.