Wow, thanks. One thing that I want to clarify is that she is not really looking at stripping as a means for attention. It is just a job to her. She reminded me a while ago that she is not happy with being a stripper but it is the only thing she is able to do. She will be sent back to her country eventually and she wants money to survive there. The plan was that I would go get her when the time comes.
We were very much in love. I still care a great deal for her. My thinking, though, is that if she loved me as much as I do her, then she would address my feelings regarding her return as something that is very important to me.
IF she goes back, I dont know whether I will get her when she returns. I will continue to support her until my sense of debt is realized.
I am very confused about next steps from me.
Sometimes, you gotta say no to a stripper....