Screwed Up--Now G/F Going Back to Stripping
Let me start with some background. People here are relatively well grounded and I'm curious what you folks think.
It started a couple of years ago when I met this stripper at a downtown club. She was very nice but I never gave it too much creedence since strippers were just in it for the money--I knew that they didn't really like you.
In any event, she was awesome to speak to and I visited her occassionally for a couple of weeks. And I was always the perfect gent. What ended up happening was I started liking her and I found out later that she felt the same way.
We started dating and everything was great--the sex, the discussions, the being together. After a while, we moved in together and I could not be happier.
Sooner than later, I started feeling uncomfortable with her job. And I told her so. She decided to quit and take up a waitressing job at her club. The reason she did this was that I would be helping out with the bills and such. I had a cool job that was making money--sales--but I had hit a low cycle and I was not doing so well. Money, of course, became tighter and she was basically covering the both of us. I had been trying for 6 months to get a better job and I finally found one that I know I'll do really well in.
The sad part is that she is now tired of waiting. She told me that she was going back to stripping. She knows how I feel about it but she needs the money for her savings so that she can feel secure once she can't dance anymore. She has family that she must take care of too (she is eastern european).
She said that the money will also go to helping her start her own small biz. She is not expecting to be a millionaire or anything (her education is highschool equivalent). She just wants to be able to get by.
She said that she was tired of listening to my promises and not seeing anything realized. I completely understand where she is coming from. I feel I gave her the confidence that WE will build a life together, but she no longer has that faith. I know that I am to blame for her decision and I am no longer going to try and persuade her to do otherwise. I am very confident that I will do well in this new job--I had done something similar in the past with very good success.
My problem is that I am not sure I could live with the fact that she is dancing again. None of my friends knows what she used to do and if they see her, I dont know what I would say or do.
Maybe I am being pedestrian about this. Honestly, Im debating leaving once I've paid back what I feel I owe her. I would really like to know what your folks think.
Last edited by rufgti; 11-09-2003 at 02:03 PM..