I've heard the Mystic Tan is often used by celebrities like Paris Hilton etc. for a natural looking tan. You stand up is a shower clothing optinal I think and get sprayed from every angle. The tan is supposed to last about a week and a session is $40. The only complaint I've heard about it is towards the end of the week it tends to get kinda streaky!
But if that's too expensive for ya, you can always get self tanners that you spray on yourself from Walgreens or Eckerds. I've heard Neutrogena Self Tanner works really good! To test to make sure you don't turn orange after a week, just put a small patch on your leg for the week and see what happens! But you might wanna check out so chick mags. that give reviews to them! I've seen some dark girls that used these self tanners, so they do work!
Yeah and avoid the actual tanning beds, too expensive and way too easy to get badly burned especially if you're pale! They usually aren't too informative about procedures there!