Originally posted by poof
<i>Originally posted by arch13
Nope, i contend that no one actually buys these high end cards except people who love to be on the bleeding edge. </i>
Many of us do buy new stuff and have nice things. Your contention sounds like sour grapes you are enjoying as w(h)ine.
Nope, no sour grapes. Just impressed with the businessman that saw that niche market to sell to.
I'll drink a glass of w(h)ine in his honor even.
What scares me more is the average american debt load from always wanting the newest thing.
My budget as a designer is a very respectable number on par with industry. It's always in my best interests to be current on my systems but i try to be focused on what gets the job done best. In this case the higher end cards produce very little benifit for designers, as Dilbert pointed out the benifit of them can be summed up as more screen space to work in. That's why i'm amused when these companies advertise with mentions of improved design performance and faster render abilities when most designers are have their eye on the prize of a cleaner large scale render, not a faster one.
Cheers to you if your budget is at a place that you can buy what you enjoy.
Just don't go doing it on credit and join the american debt load problem...