Originally posted by Kurl
Marriage is not only a commitment to your spouse , it is a commitment to God. If you dont believe in God, there is no reason to get married.
I have to disagree. Our marriage is not based in any kind of relationship to god. It's based in 1. our mutual desire to support and fulfill each other, and 2. a promise in front of our community to love and honor each other. I think it's a bit narrow-minded to insist that god has to be a part of every marriage.
That being said, Im a Christian and to truely have your relationship blessed by God you must be married. I have been married for 4 years in June. We have small arguments and such but never BIG 'fights'. The reason why people cant stay married anymore is that the relationship is not based on God but off of the fruits of evil.
I'm glad that you feel your relationship is blessed, but to insist that relationships that aren't marriages are somehow of lesser value, or that godlessness is behind divorce

is extremely narrow-minded. I know many people who are not married who have beautiful, inspiring and long-lasting relationships; I know people who have marriages "blessed" by God that have long since ceased to be about love, but are about habit and expectations. And I know many atheists or agnostics who are married and who have honest, committed relationships.
Ratbastid and I have been married for 8 years, and were together before then for about 4. We have grown and shared and have an intimate and loving and truly committed relationship. God has never been a part of our relationship and I've never felt a lack because of it. I think relationships vary the way people's personalities and needs and desires vary, and to insist that there's one formula - marriage + God - that makes for successful relationships is pretty offensive.