Originally posted by Rubyee
(A) Cheating is the most selfish, rude, and inforgivable thing anyone can do. You entered into a marriage promising yourself to only your wife, and she promised herself only to you. Cheating makes the victim feel small and insignificant, and I would never wish that upon anyone...
(B) This point was made earlier, as well- I won't quote, because I don't remember who said it, but it was to the effect of this: How will you know what you want unless you try it? You may be missing out on something that you love. The analogy was made of a man who did not know he was gay until after twenty years of marriage. This is a very valid point. You may be missing out on something.
(A) And this is why I never want to marry.
(B) There are also marriage relationships that have managed to stay together, even though the husband or wife realized he/she is gay. Divorce isn't the only solution, people.