Originally posted by Elegant Holmes
Ahhh, txlovely. We meet again. I do in no way advocate child pornography and in fact report it when I find it. Anything done to someone in those circumstances is criminal.
I do believe however in the beauty of youth and innocence. I mostly admire grace and an abillity to accept someone for who they are, not who they should be. Growth, nature, the flowering in Spring; that sort of stuff gets me going. As we grow older our minds, bodies, and spirits harden. I also admidt to a certain amount of fantasy about the woman in the picture. She could be the incarnation of what I have dreamt. I prefer a soft touch, a gentle carress if you will. Will you?
I will not. Forgive me for not finding interest in conversing with someone who would be interested in naked children. I think I'm moving on from this forum. Thought maybe I could get some insight into this disturbing trend of "men" (and I truly use that term loosely), getting their kicks from little girls. Instead I'm further creeped out. I had a teacher friend who said, "I'd take a soft, confident smart, intelligent woman over a 19-year-old hard-bodied idiot any day." That's the kind of man real women are interested in - not the rich ones, not the gorgeous ones. We know that those are just bonuses. Those of us with sense don't want anything to do with the kind of men that fantasize about children.