Good evening all,
I felt as though I have to put my $0.02 in.
Four years ago I began to date a girl, and unbenounced to me she had some problems in her past. Some of these problems had led to eating disorders and cutting. She cut her arms, she cut her legs and a she had been doin it for a number of years. I am going to go straight to the point. Once she realized that there were problems that caused her cutting and eating disorders she broke free from her depression and self-doubt she really regretted the cutting.
Now, I'm going to be frank with you, this girl is an Amazing student and is studying for a PhD in Medical Genetics. She is a really great student and a beautiful woman. Though when she looks at some of her old cuts, it really disturbs her. As soon as we graduate from school and get things moving we will look into having her scars removed.
She fears that many people, herself included, would continue to cut because the had already started... ...if she had never started doing it in the first place, she never would have kept doing it.
It is obvious that anyone who cuts to make themselves feel better does have some issues that they have not dealt with. I would have to say that no matter how someone feels about their cutting it is a very destructive, unhealthy behavior. A behavior that is reinforced with the belief that it is a way to "express one's self" or to "take control of one's life" That is something that is inharently false and only goes to perpetuate the behavior to others who will just to being to cut themselves.
I guess what ultimately disappointes me is the fact that I found out that my sister had been cutting herself. I was very disappointed to find out that this was happening. When I had confronted her and asked her about it, she said that her friends at school had been talking about cutting themselves and secretly she decided to do it herself.
Obviously there are a lot of people out there who have issues that they either do not know about, know about and are in denial, or choose to self medicate. (cutting, drugs, alcohol, excess masturbation)
I would have to urge anyone who beleive that they may have the urge to cut themselves to think about some of the important people in my life that regret ever cutting themselves and have to spend a great deal of time, money and pain to get their scars removed.