Lurkette as well as other above have already said it well. You mother sounds like mine. She says to me that I'm keeping things from her and she suspects that it's because I know that the things I do are wrong and "satanic" (in her words). I just can't share everything in my life with her: #1 because I don't have time to relate EVERYTHING to her and #2 because she doesn't support me in the least. She still tries to control my life by saying that I'm "turning me back on God" and that my daughter is going to get into all kinds of trouble because she's not in church at every opportunity. I am just now learning to ignore her concerns in my mind. I acknowledge her statements and let her know that I appreciate her concern for my well being but that I am an adult (I should hope so at 29) and her plan for my life isn't my plan. I take the parts of her advice that I can but honestly there isn't a lot as all of her advice is religiously related and I can't be as fanatic about it as she is. I go to church still on Sunday mornings but beyond that I dont' go - my life is too hectic to stop everything and go 3 times a week like she does. I know how you are feeling. I want my family to support me and it seems like every step they are in conflict with my choices. I'm glad for your sake that you have your best friends family and that they are supporting you and Hal in this. Prayers, Hugs and Good Luck Wishes.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.