Originally posted by arch13
Nope, i contend that no one actually buys these high end cards except people who love to be on the bleeding edge.
Well, of course you're right. Seriously...why do you think anyone has made a videocard past 32 MB? A 32 MB videocard can play movies fullscreened and run any OS with no problems at all. The only reason faster, bigger, and more powerful video cards have been released is due to technology and the will to make money. The only people who need to buy these cards are gamers, and there are a ton of gamers out there. That, and those people that want to have the absolute best at all times, like you said.
If there were no gamers out there, then there wouldn't be a reason to release new videocards. But there are, and millions of them. If there's a market in the world that has millions of customers, then someone will dive into it, just as NVIDIA and ATI have.