Originally posted by irateplatypus
i see what you are saying (and perhaps what cnor is saying), but the fundamental difference is that we don't name Christmas as a solstice celebration or Saturnalia. We can say that the intent of "Holiday Generica" (for sake of argument) is a time of loving widgets, but we can't say that of Christmas. It already has its own purpose. Lets not confuse the ritual from the intent. If there were no Christmas trees, or gift giving, or mistletoe... it would still be Christmas. An African bushman who wants to use Dec 25 to celebrate Christ's birth w/out our trappings is doing so just as sincerely. This just gets back to how the baggage of Christmas distracts and distorts its true meaning.
Dec 25th's true meaning has nothing to do with Christ or Christianity..in fact, it wasn’t until 336 AD that Christians moved Christ’s birthday to this date. I completely understand that for many this has become a holy day to celebrate the birth of Christ….I’m not disputing that, nor was that the intention of this thread.
My point is that by placing the old “jesus is the reason for the season” bumper sticker on your car, you’re showing ignorance in the fact that you don’t know the history of the world you live in nor do you understand the history of your own religion. (And my use of “you” and “your” is meant to be taken generalized way, not as a personal attack.)