Ever girl friend I've had has gone through a time when she hasn't been excited by her man. I have myself become extremely disgusted with *shhh* hubby and wanted to cut things off. It's part of being in a relationship. Stick with it and talk things out. I'm glad you are back together. Give your boyfriend lots of credit for jumping back in with you. Also understand that he was probably very upset about you playing around with "Mr Attractive" a second time because he really wanted to be with you. Telling him about it was just rubbing it in his face. I'm not saying you should have hidden it but just that you should understand his reason for being upset. I really hope you can prove yourself to him. Be reasonable and open and willing to constantly check in with him especially if you go out. If you are willing to do that it will help him trust you more. I wish you good luck.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.