Originally posted by maximusveritas
To suggest that its only the Democrats politicizing the intelligence is intellectually dishonest and partisan. As an American citizens, I'm only concerned in finding out the truth, no matter whose interests it serves.
Both sides look to spin information, the Republicans are trying to give the Dems as little as possible so they don't have much to scream about come election time. Both parties have agendas in this and the memo makes it clear that the Dems aren't just after the truth, they're after any scrap that will hurt the administration's chance for re-election. Not that any of this should surprise anyone, but your assertion that the Dems are only after the "truth" is just as disingenuous and partisan as those only pointing to the Dems as politicizing the situation.
Face it, the situation is politicized by both sides. Neither is strictly after the truth and neither is completely focused on doing what's right for the country in this.