This might be fun, I'm starting to worry I'm angering too many people pointing out past USA mistakes. Time for Bizarro KillerYoda to speak:
I'm glad we invaded Iraq. Who cares if they haven't done anything lately? They gased like 300,000 Kurds a decade or so ago, that's enough proof for me. Sure, Americans killed tons of Indians when we founded this great country, but we're allowed to by God. Manifest destiny, motherfuckers!
We didn't invade to take their oil either, we went to free the people, so they can live the American dream...looting! It's all about saving people. We're gonna give them food to help end starvation. We'll get oil in return, through the "Oil for food" program, but that's just an added, unforeseen bonus.
George W. Bush knows what he's doing. He may not have left the country more than 3 times before becoming President even though his dad was head of the CIA, Vice-President, and President, but you have to trust his "good ol' boy" ideals. Cause he was born in Texas, just like me! Well, technically New Haven, Connecticut, but he owned the Texas Rangers baseball team, and even though I'm an Astros fan, you got to love someone that owns any baseball team.
God bless America, fuck the Dixie Chicks!
/end KillerYoda in War-Supporter Mode
That was fun.
"So you're Chekov, huh? Well, this here's McCoy. Find a Spock, we got us an away team."