Originally posted by Devilchild
can you show me why you think they have cures for headaches and the common cold?
the best i can do is tell you why.
It seems hard to beleive how far technology has gone, we have the ability to clone human beings, some types cancer is now cureable, aids now has treatments, i mean the list potentially goes on and on.
And your telling me they cant give a one shot cure to the common cold? Something that millions of people are sick with right now? It makes way more sense for them not to cure something like that.
Less extreme cases of the common cold are not life threatening, but will have most people sick for 6-9 days. So within these days, people will be buying their medicine. I can bet thats where 80% of pharmacutical companies money comes from. The quick fix drugs. Basically, from a business standpoint, they would be stupid to change things from the way they are.