Originally posted by tokaok
actually if you are gamin there is nothing sweeter than a pc with 1.5+ gigs of ram,
friend has one with 3 gigs, its beautiful,
512 for normal use, then he has a nice 2.5 gig ram drive, the levels, models, maps, load upm so damn fast for his top 3 or so most played games its sick.
i only have a 512mb ram(1 gig total, hal ram drive other half normal use) drive and i would never go back.
tho with only a 512 ram drive i can't have all of my games loading from it, i do have all my mmost commonly played CS and DoD maps loading from it.
What's the point of that? CS is definitely not ram intensive by today's standard. And why bother wasting money on a "ram drive" to be able to load cs a few seconds faster, and have to wait for other players to connect for a few seconds each time there's a new map, he'd have to waste MINUTES copying all that data to the ram drive every time he boots up.