I used to have ultimate tv, and it broke, so now i have tivo. It's nice, it really is. You really need one with two tuners, and a satellite that is at least dual LNB. If you don't have one with two tuners, then you can't watch something and record something else. That's kind of a drag(the buckinghams). Also, there is a charge of about 9 bucks a month for the "TiVo" service. Whatever that is. BUT! The bad things are far outweighed by the good IMO. First of all, the thing you never knew you needed but couldn't live without: The Pause/rewind/ff live tv thing. Man, that is just AWESOME. You don't realize how great it is until the phone rings, or you have to run to the door, or hit the BR or anything else and just hit "Pause!" When you come back, you have built up some recorder time, so you can ff through some of the commercials. It really puts a whole new spin on tv watching, because you don't have to watch stuff when its on. Just schedule GOOD shows and watch them at 2 in the morning when you get home. Also, tivos are built in DirecTv recievers, so if you have one now, now you have two! So get a cheap satellite splitter and put satellite on another tv in the house.