Feel free to talk with me any time when things get out of hand with the 'rents. We have a lot in common in that arena.
.... me too.
I was raised Mormon. I know what you're going through. I, at first, did what the parents wanted me to do. Got married to a 'good little Mormon boy'. Gag me. It turned out to be hell and a nasty divorce.
The guy I have been dating for a while now (and the father of my baby) is very seldom welcome at my parents' house. Unfortunately though, I still live with my parents. It's kinda the same thing, though. People are okay with him until they find out he isn't Mormon. Then, suddenly, it's not okay for me to date him anymore.
In families like this, where people are so closed-minded that nothing you say or do seems to get into their brains, there's really no way to 'convince' them of anything. You've just gotta be patient, if anything. Be sure NOT to close them out, no matter how frustrating it gets sometimes. If anyone is going to get closed out, let them be the ones to try to close you out, then point out to them that they are doing to you what you've been purposefully and respectfully NOT doing to them.
Sometimes when your mom is telling you not to close her out, tell her that you're following your heart. Tell her that you love Hal. That's all you can really do with anyone, actually. I know how much pain it causes when parents react this way. And there's really nothing you can do, unless someone has that magic silver bullet that I haven't heard about yet. I don't know how old your parents are, but when my parents were kids, everything was way stricter about religion. People didn't have the open minds towards spirituality that they do now. And there isn't a way to change that. You've just gotta remember that they're your parents, they love you, and that they're doing what THEY THINK is right. You're the only one who can decide what you want to do in your life. You're the only one who knows how much you love Hal. That's all there is to it. That's all that matters.
*sorry if I sound jumbly, I've got the flu and it's messing with my head*