"In the 19th century, we were motivated by manifest destiny. In the 20th century, it was the idea that it was our duty to contain the spread of Communism and keep open the door for freedom. Today there is no substantial challenge to American ideals.
The question is this: Where can we, with all our wealth and capabilities, lead mankind?"
To which I reply, "Where the hell have you been hiding?"
You don't call the rise of Islamofacism substantial? These people want you to shred the constitution and convert to their religion to live under islamic law or DIE.
That's pretty damned substantial, in my humble opinion.
As for where we lead them. Hmmm... Perhaps I can suggest a little light reading? Start with the Declaration. See how we applied it in the Constitution. For a bit of backround, you might try reading the Federalist Papers.
If after absorbing that you can't figure out where we should be leading the world, then I suggest you look for another line of work.