I was reading through
this thread and was wondering about some or any mathematical equations anyone applies to their own dating game. Or even perhaps a universal set of mathematical ideas that should govern the dating the game. Of course i am not being particulary serious here (as always

), but do you have any numbers you apply to your own dating game which are always the same.
For example, in the thread i mention above they were throwing around this equaiton that the youngest eprson you should date is governed by:
age/2 + 7
So, myself being nineteen would be
19/2 + 7 = 16.5 and we then round that to the nearest even hehe, so it's 16.
ALthough why the divide 2 and plus 7?
are those numbers whimisically pulled from somewhere?
Although any other numbers you play by no matter the circumstance. Illustrating with more example, maybe the number of dates before you kiss, sleep with someone. The number of times you try to call someone or allow someone to call you.
Any other numbers that pop up or equations you use. Also applies to people in couples, number of times you expect or like to have sex a week or something? i am scraping the bottom of the barrel for more examples.....
Being a software engineer (or apsiring to be

) we do quite a bit of quantification of qualitative things (ie software), so i have a sort of geek interst in this aswell
Although i don't really apply mainly numerical things to it myself, anyone else?