I believe the corect term for you is an "intellectual whore". Better described at:
Though I obviously take that website with a big grain of salt.
You seem like a cool guys and have novel aspects about you. I think it’s important for you to move on and open your options. I am not saying you should become a skank. I am simply saying that while you are waiting for this girl to make up her mind you could be missing opportunities to meet other people in your life. Remember that just because you want to have sex with her doesn’t mean that she is the “one” for you. The really funny thing is that once you start looking for other women this chick will probably start to want you more. Its lame I know but some (note “some”) women are real masochists, being ignored and abused by a guy makes them like him… If this happens then you got two options: use her as a sex toy, this is actually not as dishonorable option as it sounds since she will probably get off at being taken advantage of. The other option is RUN! Seriously, I know you think you are her friend right now, but ask yourself honestly, do you really care or do you just want to get laid, if it’s the later then she is not worth it.
Yah i am just going on my intuition here since i really dont know all that much about you or her, so feel free to flame me for my ignorance.