Mine isn't too interesting, but some P-plater (18-21 years old) in his hotted up car was tailgating me as I was going the speed limit, we only had one lane so he couldn't pass me.
It was about 2am, and it had just finished raining lightly so all the oil and grease was in the surface of the road so it wasn't the best time to be driving and faced (from the back!) by a tailgater.
Anyway, I just tapped my brakes a few times to let him know I wanted him to back off but he didn't, so I just slowed down to 10 or 15kp/h under the speed limit and gently rolled up to the lights. He pulled up beside me and was having a heart attack, I just gave him a huge thumbs up and a smile and then shrugged, and then I got my green arrow so I cruised away, leaving him having his brain explosion
I usually just try and pull to the side and let them pass. If they want to speed and get past me then it's not worth the risk of pissing them off or having them run up the back of me, so I'll just let them past and hope they get a speeding ticket.
What does everyone else do when someone tailgates you? Let them pass so you don't have to worry about them rear-ending you? Go slowly to annoy them? Slam on the brakes and let them hit you to teach them a lesson?