Originally posted by Bust_Action
In my opinion, flipping off and cursing are quite cliched. Instead, a nice thumbs-up and a smile tend to be much more irksome. If their window is down, yell out, "Have a nice day!!" or "Jesus loves you!" And continue to smile at them as they get more and more angry. And hope they don't have a gun.
Yup....Just smile and wave, Works everytime.
Really people, Is doing 20 over the speed limit really gonna get you to where your going that much faster? I speed too, But I never get pissed cause the guy infront of me is doing the speedlimit. It annoys me when people drive in the passing lane on the highways if they are not passing any cars.
If i had a nickel for everytime some dickhead that's behind me gets pissed off and passes me...Only to come to a stop at a light right beside him.
The road is merging into one lane and thier is a ton of traffic...I see these people trying to merge in as far up as they can...Why? Is being 4 or 5 cars ahead that much better? I also think that if you know the lane is merging just switch lanes, Instead of trying to squeeze in as far up as you can....Things would move a whole lot smoother. I NEVER let people in, The merging sign is always posted before you actually get to that point...If your going to ignore it and try to squeeze infront of me...It won't happen. This kind of goes against me saying just switch lanes and everything will go smoother...If I see someone stopped with thier signal on trying to move over, I will usually let them in. The people that go flying up and then try to force thier way into the other lane...Those are the people I won't let in.