Menopause questions
I had a hysterectomy about a year ago the 27th! The doctors found cancer on my uterus and cervix( cant spell ) and also found 12 ployps plus endometriosis! All of this was removed, although I never went back to see if they got all of the cancer!
I was put on pills that made me soo sick! then i asked for the patch! now I can not afford my hormone patch!!
now for the questions ...
my sex drive has tripled as a result of the operationeven without hormone replacement!! will that change or is it normal or wht is suppose to happen?
I also have a problem with vaginal dryness!! Is that normal?
Oh and should i return to the doctor for another rx for the patch?
On top of all that i still have pain which was the cause of the histerectomy in the first palce! is that normal or do I need to go back to the doctor!!
I also am really upset because i wanted more children is it normal to feel inadequate because i couldnt give a man my age children other than the ones I have already!! (I am only 26)
Will I end up alone because of this? I know men or rather boys eventually want kids and i cant give that to them it scares me to think if ever I do find mister right I wont be able to have his children which he will inevidable want!!
I really feel like I'm missing part of myself!! I fell very inadequate when it comes to the opposite sex!! all advice and uplifting advice is welcome!!
For everything there is a neverending cycle- birth, death, rebirth.
Evil can and will not exist without good and visa versa.
You also reap what you sew. There is a sliver of truth in every saying -those are a few!!
Last edited by crayzeeredhead; 10-31-2003 at 01:40 PM..