Doctor's Appointment Jokes
1) A guy comes home from the doctor and his wife says, "How did your check-up go?"
The guy says, "It was terrible. I have a fatal disease, and I only have about 6 hours left to live."
The wife says, "Wow. So, what do you want to do for your last six hours of life?"
The husband says, "Let's make love!"
And they did. For two hours. Afterwards, as they're relaxing, the wife says, "What do you want to do next?"
The husband says, "Let's make some more love!"
And they did. For three more hours. Afterwards, as they're resting, the wife says, "You only have one hour left. What would you like to do for your last hour?"
The husband says, "Let's make some more love!"
The wife suddenly says, "Absolutely not. I have to get up in the morning, and you don't."
**insert rim shot about here**
Living is easy with eyes closed.