Honestly, though-
The reason people don't belive eating meat is ethical is that they say Animals have rights to life- IF so then why can animals eat eachother?
answer: Because they HAVE to in-order to survive. Humans, on the other hand do not
Reply: I wont argue about the fact that humans DO need meat, but just on the fact that it seems contridictory to ever belive something is right only because there is no other way? It seems, then, we should give animals training in eating vegitables.
But why do people think animals have rights?
Answer: Because they can feel. What is different between them and us
Reply: Intellegence and ability to reason.
Objection: But don't retarded babies have rights? Because that criteria leaves them out!
Finally, the debate goes to the real knockouts-
Retarded children have rights because they are humans, and most humans are rational.
Reply: Thats specisism, which is the same as nazi facism
obj: No it is not- racisim is not specisism. It seems ok to think that animals are less than my species is
reply obj: But African Americans were considered animals and they were enslaved and tortured because of specisim-
While that conclusion sounds very moving, think about it this way-
Do Cows have the rights of a Black man or woman? Should they?
And one last argument-
The reason something has rights is because it can exercise the rights as well as desire and need rights. This is called being a moral agent- But trust me, a lion or a cow isn't thinking about what it should and should not do- only what it might eat.,
This is all not to say animals have no rights. BUt I will say the only rights they have are not self evident like our rights. They are simply rights given to them by people. Torture isn't allowed not because an animal has a natural right to not be tortured, but rather, because Humanity belives that animals have pain, and sensless pain for any creature is unnacceptable.
If one wants to say that death, early, is wrong for any animal than I say this is rediculous.
If someone is Pro-Choice and Pro-Vegatarian, they need to think about that. What gives an animal rights that an unborn child doesn't have? Eating meat and aborting babies are both, usually done for the same reason: Convienience. So its not ok to eat an animal but it is ok to kill an unborn babie.