Z_UWF, it is a very good analogy for the world, and it is one which I often use to visualise things. Expanding on it, you would have physicists attempting to reverse engineer the source code of our super-program...in the search for The Theory of Everything.
But, using it for a justification for your belief in God is a very definite case of barking up the wrong tree.
There is nothing logically impossible about the existence of God to begin with. What makes sucha belief repungent is the complete and utter lack of evidence for his existence.
So many other things in life are "logically" possible, but yet we don't believe in them. It is entirely possible that the contents of your fridge spring to life and start to do a little jig the moment you close the door. It requires no "logical" justification to claim that such a thing happens, What it does require however is evidence.