OK The results are in...
The code Honda pulled with their computer was:
P1259 VTEC System Failure
Apparently since my oil was extremely low VTEC registered a fault (the service advisor explained it slightly better.) My car had only gone about 3K miles since my last oil change but it was really, really low. The last time I had my car in my oil light was on for the same reason. They checked the plugs for excessive oil burn and verified that there were no leaks. The SA told me that cars with VTEC do [burn?] [consume?] more oil than a non-VTEC and that it was nothing to be overly concerned about unless the problem worsens. I have been instructed to check my oil level around every 4th gas tank.
It seems plausable I guess - I am sure they would have taken me for everything I was worth if they could have if they could have ID'd any additional problems... This was a dealership after all.
I am still troubled by the fact that if my car had such a low amount of oil that it didn't trip the oil-pressure light. I thought there was a pretty consistant correlation between oil level and oil pressure. Mabye the CEL supercedes the oil light?
Anyways, thanks everyone for your help and "ear" Back over 5500 : )
nothing to see here
Last edited by clues_blues; 10-27-2003 at 03:32 PM..