Warren Sapp
Alright I'm seriously getting sick of Warren Sapp. I used to like him, you know, big goofy guy, good (but IMHO overrated) player, outspoken, the whole package. But lately he's just crossed the line. Now I admit, before the story with LaVarr broke, I didn't know about Sapp's skipping through the other team's warmups. Once I heard it though, I thought it was a little messed up, immature. Then he bumped the official, which I saw the replay of 90,000 times because I live near DC. Then he kicked the pylon over, and made the slavery comments, and blames everything on the fact that the NFL won't let him market himself.
I'm watching an interview with Keyshawn right now on NFL countdown, and he's outspoken too, and but he hasn't turned into a punk.
Maybe I'm just mad at these millionaires complaining about stupid stuff. As Steve Young said this morning on ESPN, "The thing that gets to me most is millionaire players arguing with billionaire owners about MONEY."
Anyway, thoughts on Sapp?