Do you want to own it, or just fire it? Owning is expensive and difficult. As an example, a local dealer here in VA has an M-60 (7.62 NATO LMG, if you're not familiar with it) for sale and has had it for a few years. Last time I saw it, it was priced at $7000, including ATF fees/stamps. There is a waiting period while the ATF does all of its' background checks on you and tons of paperwork to fill out. I believe you also need to show that you have certain security measures in place to prevent theft of said firearm.
Personally, I have no interest in owning them. They are expensive as hell and cause an undue amount of scrutiny. It's much easier to just find a range to rent one for an afternoon. While on a business trip to LA, I took a weekend trip to Vegas. Vegas had quite a number of shops that rented out Class III firearms for use in their own indoor ranges. You don't own it, sure, but you also don't have to fill out scads of paperwork. I got to fire an MP-5 and an MP-38. Very, very fun experience.
Frankly, for what you'd pay for a fully automatic weapon, you could take a trip to Vegas every year for the next decade and shoot Class III at the ranges there.
Oh, and did I mention that VERY few ranges will let you shoot full auto weapons? If you have a farm in the middle of nowhere, you might have less problems, but the local law enforcement types tends to get antsy when someone starts ripping out full auto fire. It's a major hassle all around.