funniest thing I've seen in a looooong time
I saw the funniest damn thing today. I had lunch with my dad, and he knocked his drink over. When he saw that it (spilling drink) was headed his way, he tried to scoot his chair back really fast, but managed to tip hs ass all the way over backwards on to the restaurant floor. So there he was, a shocked look on his face, on his back, on the floor, still in his upended chair, and his drink landed right on top of him.
I love my dad dearly. It was all I could do not to laugh...for about 2 seconds. I've been laughing ever since.
I've been almost unable to function, I'm laughing so much. I had to take a crap, and I found myself laughing in the stall. People do not want to hear a man trying to stifle laughter in the crapper. But there I was.
Gawd. I'm laughing now. 12 hours later, and I'm laughing. I can barely type.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.