OK Clue here you go,
First you will need a volt meter, or preferably a digital volt meter,
Disconnect the vtec pressure switch connector from the switch, it is on the back of the cylinder head, it has a blue wire with a black tracer line on it,
Check for continuity across the switch in the head, (if you do not have a meter that can do this you will need to make a test wire.)
PM me and I can tell you how to make one.
If you do not have continuity at the switch the switch is no good.
Turn the key on and check for power at the blue/black wire it should be there.
It looks to be either the pressure switch or the vtec solenoid is not working.
the tests for the solenoid need a DVOM,(digital volt ohm meter) if you have one let me know and I can give you the rest of the tests.
I hope this helped.
Where is Darwin when ya need him?