Yay relegion thread. Read on if you dare!
Oh man I psychologically sucked you in!
If this thread didn’t have that “read on if you dare” thing on there you wouldn't of clicked it
13% of people just exited thread
Why don't old people just start capping people right and left when they hit around 85-90?
3% of people just exited thread
Basically what I’m saying is that religion is really important to society. Only problem is enlightened people don't generally like to believe in it, and if the masses that really do need to believe in religion see the people that they respect, they realize are world leaders, and they don't have any religious affiliation than why should they. Hollywood also discounts religion greatly. It also doesn't that the ass hats like Kurt Warner thank god for winning him a supper bowl, and bush is adamant about god when he's bound by church and state laws. Not to mention the countless fucking idiots that are miracle healers and what not.
18% left the thread
Does god exist?
I say probably
do I need proof?
Am I religious?
Is the human race going to last another 1000 years without religion?
the rest% I can’t believe your still reading my mindless garble!
One thing I’ve always liked is the sheer ridiculous amount of things that physics can't explain. They can explain how things happen, and predict when its going to happen again, but when it comes down to it they have no fucking clue about anything. Why is there perfectly symmetry among all things in the universe, why is everything held together in such and organized matter and not in complete chaos. It seems funny to me when I discuss things like this with my friends who are physics majors. I'm an Mech Engineer btw. They're like well this does this because of this. I'm like okay why does that do that. And they go well it just does. Probability states that everything is possible, and this is one outcome. I'm like so our universe is just the ridiculously convenient sum of probabilities resulting in universal harmony instead of chaos. Divine influence anyone?
The world today troubles me. Most people are moral, but there is a growing number of godless, immoral people who will do whatever to whoever as long as they don't get caught by the police.
Whatever happened to not committing crimes, not wishing I’ll will on others simply because compassion for another human being.
Recap: I scattered my thoughts about, because my friend is fucking with my trying to get me to come play warcraft 3 with him, HOWEVER i did make a few valid points in there i think.
P.S. Do the world a favor and commit a unselfish act.
Proud memeber of the Insomniac Club.
Last edited by The.Lunatic; 10-23-2003 at 10:33 AM..