Having flown immediately after flights were resumed following 9-11, I was very disappointed at what I thought was lack of security. Since then, Ihave seen it become more vigilant but also not as intrusive as I htought it might become. There are several measures that have been implemented that have nothing to do with carrying weapons onto a plane. Matching luggage checked at the ticket counter with passangers actually boarding the flight is one example. Running luggage through bomb detection equipment. I've been pulled out of line a few times for the big search. Each time I thought is was quite thorough. Wands used to insure no metal was on my body, belts checked, etc. Have actually seen a nun get pulled out and all of her carry on checked. I'll gladly give up a few moments of my time on each flight to reduce the chance of another 9-11. Gladly.
Of course, we are at a disadvantage, we have implemented procedures to protect us from what sane individuals have determined to be threats. Problem is that terrorists do not act rationaly, who would have ever thought a commercial airplane would ever be used as a terrorists weapon? Its a bit like trying to stay one step ahead of hackers in the PC world. All that can really be done is to react as quick as possible to minimize future occurances.